Hearing Compliance
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) protects individuals with disabilities in many areas, including public accommodations and commercial facilities. The Americans with Disabilities Guidelines were developed by the United States Access Board (a federal agency committed to accessible design) and are incorporated in the ADA. The ADA ensures that a building (and any services provided there) are equally accessible to everyone, including those with hearing loss. This is where Williams AV comes in.
Williams AV manufactures assistive listening technologies that help in various listening situations. Often, a hearing aid or an implant is not enough. In such cases, there are technologies that are designed to help people hear better. These are designed to enhance telephone communication, TV reception, or listening in various kinds of public venues. Your hearing professional should evaluate your need for one or more of these devices and direct you to the appropriate vendor.
Please read our document on the ADA, or view our collection of information on Global Disability Legislation.
ADA and IBC Calculators
- ADA Calculator
- IBC Calculator
The ADA Calculator and Guideline Chart do not apply to the State of California. In California, please refer to the California Building Code (CBC) for hearing assistance compliance requirements.
See our California CBC Requirements Presentation 2015. (Ref: CBC Vol 1, Vol 2 ; sections 11B-219.2-3, 11B-244.1, 11B-706.3).