Explore the interactive image to see how assistive communication technology helps facilitate engagement and understanding in government proceedings.
Maintain proprietary and confidential information with secure audio transmission
Facilitate an inclusive assistive listening environment
Meet ADA compliant regulations for assistive listening
Courtroom Assistive Listening and Interpretation Solutions
Are you a legal professional or courtroom technician seeking to enhance the audio experience in the courtroom? Look no further. This comprehensive guide will empower you to create a courtroom environment where justice is not only served but truly heard.
This wireless system utilizes infrared light to carry audio to individuals within a courtroom needing hearing assistance or language interpretation through a handheld receiver turned to a specific channel. Perfect for maintaining proprietary and confidential information to a single courtroom.
A hearing loop is an assistive listening system in a courtroom that takes a sound source and transfers it directly to a hearing aid without background noise, interference or acoustic distortion. The sound is transferred to the listener through a cable that runs around the perimeter of the courtroom.
When there are participants in court proceedings who speak only or primarily another language other than English courtrooms require an interpreter. The IC-2 is an audio control center for simultaneous interpretation of one or more languages that allows interpreters to communicate with those who need interpretation with no interference of court proceedings. This is used in conjunction with Digi-Wave transmitters and receivers.
Annotation Pro Plus is the industry’s first true 4K video annotation system. Annotating the evidence on screen whether it is a still image or a video effectively communicates the facts in any given courtroom proceedings. Annotation Pro Plus also allows annotations to be saved for later evidence review.
The Digi-Wave® communication system provides portability, privacy and top audio quality. Ideal for sidebar discussions and attorney-client discussions. The system’s specialized “frequency hopping” encrypted signal prevents unauthorized listeners from hearing conversations.
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