Hearing-protector, dual headphones HED 040


Hearing protector dual ear muff headphone. Adult size, 32 Ω, stereo. Mild and low gain hearing loss rating. 0.85 lbs. Compatible with receivers that have stereo jacks only.

Small Area Infrared Transmitter IR T1


The IR T1 is a two-channel small area infrared transmitter combining infrared modulator and emitter technology into a single mountable enclosure—which reduces operating costs, eliminates the need for rack space…

Medium-area Infrared System with Headphones IR SY5


The IR T2 is a commercial-grade, medium-area infrared transmitter for accessible audio. This system features receivers and headphones for the audience to use. The IR T2’s sleek, compact footprint is…

FM+ System Package (4 R38 receivers) FM 558


The FM 558 system package is a complete turnkey solution that includes 4 PPA R38 receivers and an FM+ transmitter for both FM and Wi-Fi transmission from the same box….

Portable Infrared Courtroom System IR SY6


A portable system specifically for courtrooms featuring the IR T2 infrared transmitter. The IR T2 is a commercial-grade, medium-area infrared transmitter. Its sleek, compact footprint is ideal for assistive listening…